post #2 -- not having enough money is always my fault and my problem

I am the money person in my relationship. Not because I want to be, but because my partner does not want to be. What happens is if money gets tight, it's my fault, no questions asked.

So this morning when I get up, I got, "Don't spend anymore money out of the account, it's negative." This is my fault because I needed my meds yesterday. It has nothing to do with the automatic withdrawal for a bill. And the account is actually negative .47. Yep, not even under by a $1.

Even though this is a joint account, it has become "her" account. My account has $200 in it, what are we supposed to use for . . .

My account never has money in it because that's what pays all of the bills, excepting gas and such, which what the account in question is for. Since we split things this way, suddenly, it's like the bank nazi has come into force. She can say all she wants to that she's not pissed at me, but her tone of voice clearly says otherwise. Sometimes I just want to record her so she can see what an ass she sounds like.

So the big question is: Why don't we have any money right now?

I have the answer, but it's not one the girlfriend is going to want to hear. Here's a brief rundown of the "extra" income we've had since January.

We received approx. $2500 from the federal government which was deposited in our account by March. I also got $600 from the state government. Where did that money go? $385 of it went to board our dogs while we were on vacation. $450 went for van rental. $600 was for Disney Tickets. $157 was for cardinal spring training tickets. We took $500 in cash with us which paid for food, groceries and souvenirs. However, we also spent $320 on our card for various items. And we spent $250 for gas. Grand total: $2662. So much for our tax money. In addition, we spent another $320 for Cardinal tickets. $149 for an electric collar for our dog. Approx. $100 for grass seed and such. We got the license for the car. We paid for a hotel room for the TKD tournament in July, and we paid for a cabin to camp in on Memorial Day weekend. $300 for partylite stuff. And $300 to fix our air conditioner.

And still, I get asked, where did our money go? I am often accused of being the one who spends money without thinking when I spend $3 for breakfast or bring home a $7 lunch. I'll admit these things add up, but that's not the majority of our money. In fact, very little of it goes for those things. Most of it gets spent for "entertainment" type activities.

I understand that money isn't everything. I don't want to sit around and obsess about money. Sometimes though, I just wish that instead of going out doing "stuff" we could just stay home where activities are free.


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